Filters - Jet\DataListing_Filter

Each data list filter is made up of its own class, which inherits from the Jet\DataListing_Filter abstract class and represents the logic of the filter. Let's show a real filter right away. Let's stay with the event viewer and look at a filter that can be used to filter a list by event type:

namespace JetApplicationModule\EventViewer\Admin;


Listing_Filter_Event extends DataListing_Filter {

    public const 
KEY 'event';

string $event '';
    public function 
getKey(): string
        return static::

    public function 
catchParams(): void
$this->event Http_Request::GET()->getString'event' );
$this->listing->setParam'event'$this->event );

    public function 
catchFormForm $form ): void
$this->event $form->field'event' )->getValue();
$this->listing->setParam'event'$this->event );

    public function 
generateFormFieldsForm $form ): void
$field = new Form_Field_Input'event''Event:' );
$field->setDefaultValue$this->event );

$form->addField$field );

    public function 
generateWhere(): void
$this->event ) {
$this->listing->addFilterWhere( [
'event' => $this->event,
            ] );


So what does the filter need to be able to do:

  • Catch its parameters - catchParams method
  • Generate form item definitions for filter form - generateFormFields method
  • Capture values from the filter form (which is already captured and validated at the given moment) - catchForm method
  • Generate WHERE part of the query for ORM DataModel - generateWhere method
  • Each filter must be identified by its unique key.

Filter view script

Each filter has its own view script. To display a filter in a view that displays the corresponding list, the following call is used:


However, this call will call the view script of the filter, which can be, for example, as follows:

namespace JetApplicationModule\EventViewer\Admin;


 * @var MVC_View $this
 * @var Listing  $listing
$listing $this->getRaw'listing' );
$filter_form $listing->getFilterForm();
<?= $filter_form
->field'event' )->label() ?>
<?= $filter_form
->field'event' )->input()?>

The name of the view script must match the filter ID key. So in our example it is event.phtml.

Method Overview

Method Meaning of
public setListing(
DataListing $listing
) : void
The list automatically sets the filter reference to itself when passing the filter. This method is used for this purpose.
public getListing(
) : DataListing
Returns the instance of the data list to which the filter belongs.
abstract public getKey(
) : string
Returns a unique key identifying the filter. It is recommended to implement as follows: class Listing_Filter_Event extends DataListing_Filter {

    public const 
KEY 'event';
    public function 
getKey(): string
        return static::
And then work with the filter as follows: <?=$listing->filter(Listing_Filter_Event::KEY)->renderForm()?>
abstract public catchParams(
) : void
This method is used to capture filter parameters, such as GET parameters from a URL.
abstract public generateFormFields(
Form $form
) : void
The method is used to generate form fields of the filter.
abstract public catchForm(
Form $form
) : void
The method is used to capture values from the filter form. It is called when the form is already captured and validated.
abstract public generateWhere(
) : void
Generates the WHERE part of the query for the ORM DataModel to filter the data itself.
public renderForm(
) : string
Renders the appropriate filter. The default implementation is as follows: $view $this->listing->getFilterView();
$view->setVar('filter'$this );
$view->render$this->getKey() );
Which implies:
  • The Jet\MVC_View instance is held by the list instance. The filter only takes it over.
  • The name of the view script in the default implementation corresponds to the filter key.
  • The view script has a list instance and a filter instance.

Prepared filters

To make your work easier, Jet includes several pre-made filters that you just need to finish implementing. Here is a list of them:

Jet\DataListing_Filter_Search Classic text search box.
Jet\DataListing_Filter_DateInterval Date range definition (from - till). Two input fields.
Jet\DataListing_Filter_DateTimeInterval Date and time range definition (from - till). Two input fields.
Jet\DataListing_Filter_OptionSelect Select from defined options (select box).
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