
Renderer of a special element showing the tree structure. It inherits from Jet\UI_Renderer_Single.

Přehled metod

Method Meaning of
public setData(
Data_Tree $data
) : void
Sets the tree structure that the element will work with.
public getData(
) : Data_Tree
Returns the tree structure the element is working with.
public setSelectedId(
string $selected_id
) : void
Sets the ID of the node to be considered as the currently selected node.
public getSelectedId(
) : string
Returns the ID of the node that is considered as currently selected.
public setRootId(
string $root_id
) : void
Sets the ID of the node to be considered the root node. Thus, only part of the tree structure can be displayed.
public getRootId(
) : string
Returns the ID of the node that is considered the root node.
public setShowAll(
bool $show_all
) : void
Sets whether or not to display the whole tree.

If false, then only those branches that lead to the currently selected node are displayed.
public getShowAll(
) : bool
Indicates whether or not to display the whole tree.

If false, then only those branches that lead to the currently selected node are displayed.
public setRendererNormal(
callable $renderer
) : void
For example, it sets an anonymous function to display the label of a tree node that is neither selected nor open.
Renderer must be set.

The prototype of the method is: function( Data_Tree_Node $node ) : void {
//... ... ...
public setRendererSelected(
callable $renderer
) : void
For example, it sets an anonymous function to display the label of the currently selected tree node.
The renderer must be set.

The prototype of the method is: function( Data_Tree_Node $node ) : void {
//... ... ...
public setRendererOpened(
callable $renderer
) : void
For example, it sets an anonymous function to display the label of a tree node that is open but not currently selected.
The renderer must be set.

The prototype of the method is: function( Data_Tree_Node $node ) : void {
//... ... ...
public getNodeRenderer(
Data_Tree_Node $node
) : callable
Returns the appropriate renderer for the node according to the node state (selected, open, or normal).
Used in view script.
public nodeFilter(
Data_Tree_Node $node
) : bool
Indicates whether the node can be displayed at all.
Used in view script.
public nodeSelected(
Data_Tree_Node $node
) : bool
Indicates whether the node is currently selected.
Used in view script.
public nodeOpened(
Data_Tree_Node $node
) : bool
Indicates whether the node is currently open.
Used in view script.
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