
Renderer of a single tab within the navigation using tabs. Inherits from Jet\UI_Renderer_Single.

Overview of methods

Method Meaning of
public __construct(
string $id,
string $title,
callable $tab_url_creator
  • $id
    Tab ID
  • $title
    Tab title
  • $tab_url_creator
    A function that creates a URL based on the tab ID.
public getIsSelected(
) : bool
Indicates whether the tab is selected.
public setIsSelected(
bool $is_selected
) : void
Sets whether the tab is selected.
public getTitle(
) : string
Returns the title of the tab.
public setTitle(
string $title
) : void
Sets the title of the tab.
public getUrl(
) : string
Generates and returns the tab URL.
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