Working with a tree structure - Jet\Data_Tree
Working with data organized in a tree structure is quite common in our field. However, what are such categories of e-shop, sections of intranet, sections of portal and many other things - all these are data organized in a tree. That is, having a root and then nodes (branches) under which the child nodes fall and so on. This imaginary tree needs to be traversed to find parents, descendants, node paths, or to display/dump the tree. These are frequent operations, and so Jet has a tool for this that is not only used by the platform itself, but is also well used in the application space - I use it a lot myself.
Tree Data - General
In order for data (and it doesn't matter whether it is an associated array or an object instance - both are supported) to be arranged in a tree structure, it must satisfy a few simple rules:
- Each item (future node) must have its own unique identifier
It doesn't matter whether it is a number or a string. What is important is uniqueness. There must not be two nodes (branches) with the same identifier. - Each entry must have a parent branch identifier - the parent node
The data should be consistent. That is, if a node has a parent node identifier of, say, 432, then a node with that identifier must exist. Otherwise, a data inconsistency is identified and an exception is thrown.
This situation can be handled by switching the tree to adoption mode, or ignoring orphans - see below. However, this should not be the standard procedure, it is normal to take care of data consistency. - Each item should have a text name (human-readable)
This will be called the node label and can be worked with, for example, at the UI level. - Data should be sorted
It is definitely necessary to sort the data in advance according to their priority (which can be determined by anything - for example, alphabetical order, or some index) as they will be sorted in individual branches. And for speed, it's also a good idea to sort the data by the parent identifier (this is not necessary, but certainly advisable). So the ideal data will be sorted: 1. by the parent identifier, 2. within that by the priority you specify. - Each node can have any additional data
Whether it is objects or associated fields, a node can (and should) carry additional data and information with it. In practice, however, it is not recommended to have a lot of such metadata for nodes. Suppose you have an e-shop with thousands of categories, and each category has a lot of information, including long text descriptions. I don't recommend putting such data in a tree. It means a lot of memory consumption, large data transfers and so on. However, you can have the necessary meta-information in the tree - that's what the tree is for.
Creating a tree from an array
Creating a tree from an array is the most typical operation in practice. It often involves processing raw data retrieved from a database, cache, or other storage. So let's show how to do it. From the previous section, you know what the data must satisfy.
Now we'll show how to do this in practice, using an example from the "guts" of Jet, namely building MVC pages into a tree structure. Information about one page - the future node of the tree structure - has the following keys:
- id
- parent_id
- name
$tree_data[] = [
'id' => 'page-1',
'parent_id' => MVC::HOMEPAGE_ID,
'name' => 'Page 1'
$tree_data[] = [
'id' => 'page-1-1',
'parent_id' => 'page-1',
'name' => 'Page 1-1'
$tree_data[] = [
'id' => 'page-1-2',
'parent_id' => 'page-1',
'name' => 'Page 1-2'
$tree_data[] = [
'id' => 'page-2',
'parent_id' => MVC::HOMEPAGE_ID,
'name' => 'Page 2'
uasort( $tree_data, function( array $a, array $b ) {
return strcmp( $a['name'], $b['name'] );
} );
$tree = new Data_Tree();
$root = $tree->getRootNode();
$root->setId( MVC::HOMEPAGE_ID );
$root->setLabel( 'Homepage' );
$tree->setData( $tree_data );
Please note that the root node parameters are set. The root node always exists automatically. Its identifier is an empty value by default. Thus, any node that does not have a parent identifier automatically falls under the root node. However, in this case the root node identifier is set. The label of the root node is also set.
The setData method arranges the data into a tree structure and it is possible to work with the tree - which we will show later. If the data is inconsistent, a Jet\Data_Tree_Exception is thrown.
As mentioned, the tree data must have an identifier (the 'id' field key), a parent identifier (the 'parent_id' field key), and a label (the 'name' field key). However, the names of the array keys are not fixed. These are just the default values. You can use the constructor parameters and the appropriate methods (see below) to change the names of these keys according to your needs.
Creating a tree from a list of objects
Sometimes it may be more convenient and necessary to create a tree from a list of objects. By list we mean either a simple array containing objects, or some iterator returning objects on traversal. The principle is identical at the core to working with arrays. There are, of course, a few differences:
- Instead of the setData method, it is necessary to use the setDataSource method, which is passed a list of objects and the Data_Tree class automatically switches to the object usage mode instead of the associated array.
- Objekty musí mít příslušné metody - gettery pro předání potřebných informací:
- getId - returns the node identifier
- getParentId - returns the identifier of the parent node
- getName - returns the node label
Inconsistent tree
As already mentioned, the tree data should be consistent, otherwise an exception is thrown when the tree is initialized. However, the world is not perfect ... It may happen that we simply need to work with inconsistent data (for example, when a node has "disappeared" from the middle of the tree, but its children still exist). The situation is solvable.
Before initializing the tree, it is necessary to switch it to adoption mode:
$tree = new Data_Tree();
$tree->setAdoptOrphans( true );
Nodes without a parent are classified under the root node in this mode. They will therefore appear in the trees at least provisionally.
The other option is to simply ignore orphans and not include them in the tree at all:
$tree = new Data_Tree();
$tree->setIgnoreOrphans( true );
What to use is up to you and your specific situation. Jet alone cannot determine which solution is correct, so it forces the choice on you.
Use of the tree
The node of the tree
The tree is made up of individual nodes - as we have already said. And it is with the nodes that we will continue to work. So let's take a look at what exactly a node is. A tree node is an instance of the class Jet\Data_Tree_Node. It carries all the necessary information about the node, and such an object is also returned by the tree when working with it - when traversing the tree, searching, and so on.
It has been said that a node is an object of class Jet\Data_Tree_Node. However, this is only partially true. Using the appropriate method of the Data_Tree class (see below), you can force the use of your own class for a tree node (before populating it with data, of course). That is, you can make your own node. The only condition is that it must inherit from the Jet\Data_Tree_Node class.
Getting a node
This is a very basic operation. Based on the unique identifier, it is easy to get the instantiation of a node wherever it is in the tree structure:
$node = $tree->getNode( 'page-1-2' );
Attention! It may happen that the node does not exist. In this case, the value returned is null and it is necessary to take this eventuality into account.
Parents, descendants and journeys
Once we have a node, we can work with it. For example, to get its parents, or conversely, its children:
$parent = $node->getParent();
foreach($node->getChildren() as $child) {
//... ... ..
Or it is possible to get trips. For example, you know that a node exists, but you need to know the path to it. So you need a list of the identifiers of all its parent nodes:
$parent_ids = $tree->getPath( 'page-1-2' );
Simply walking through a tree
You can very easily go through the tree as if it were a simple list. That is, go through all nodes sequentially from the root to the last node, with the browsing fully reflecting the tree layout. There is no need to use any recursive functions to do this, but a simple loop will do:
foreach( $tree as $node ) {
echo 'Node ID: '.$node->getId().PHP_EOL;
echo 'Parent node ID: '.$node->getParentId().PHP_EOL;
echo 'Label: '.$node->getLabel().PHP_EOL;
echo 'Depth: '.$node->getDepth().PHP_EOL;
... and so on
Now you already know the principle how to work with Jet\Data_Tree. Next, please take a look at the list of methods of the Jet\Data_Tree class and also the list of methods of the Jet\Data_Tree_Node class. There you will get more information and a complete overview of the Data_Tree options.
Method Overview
Method | Meaning of |
public __construct( string $id_key='id', string $parent_id_key='parent_id' ) |
The constructor allows you to set the most basic parameters directly, namely the name of the key of the array representing the identifier and the name of the key of the array representing the parent identifier. |
public getNodesClassName( ) : string |
Returns the name of the class that will represent the tree node. |
public setNodesClassName( string $nodes_class_name ) : void |
Sets the name of the class that will represent the tree node. It must be set before the tree is filled with data. The class must inherit from Jet\Data_Tree_Node. |
public getAdoptOrphans( ) : bool |
Indicates whether orphan adoption mode is enabled. It must be set before the tree is populated with data. Default state is: off |
public setAdoptOrphans( bool $adopt_orphans ) : void |
Turns on/off the orphan adoption mode. |
public getIgnoreOrphans( ) : bool |
Indicates whether orphan ignoring mode is enabled. It must be set before the tree is filled with data. Default state is: off |
public setIgnoreOrphans( bool $ignore_orphans ) : void |
Enables/disables orphan ignoring mode. It must be set before the tree is filled with data. |
public getIdKey( ) : string |
Returns the key name of the array representing the node identifier. Default value is: 'id' |
public setIdKey( string $id_key ) : void |
Sets the key name of the array representing the node identifier. It must be set before the tree is populated with data. |
public getParentIdKey( ) : string |
Returns the key name of the array representing the parent node identifier. Default value is: 'parent_id' |
public setParentIdKey( string $parent_id_key ) : void |
Sets the key name of the array representing the parent node identifier. It must be set before the tree is populated with data. |
public getLabelKey( ) : string |
Returns the name of the key of the array representing the node's label. Default value is: 'name' |
public setLabelKey( string $label_key ) : void |
Sets the key name of the array representing the node label. It must be set before the tree is populated with data. |
public getIdGetterMethodName( ) : string |
Returns the name of the method returning the node identifier in the object handling mode. Default value: 'getId' |
public setIdGetterMethodName( string $id_getter_method_name ) : void |
Sets the name of the method that returns the node identifier in the object handling mode. It must be set before the tree is filled with data. |
public getParentIdGetterMethodName( ) : string |
Vthe name of the method that returns the identifier of the parent node in the object handling mode. Default value: 'getParentId' |
public setParentIdGetterMethodName( string $parent_id_getter_method_name ) : void |
Sets the name of the method that returns the identifier of the parent node in the object handling mode. It must be set before the tree is filled with data. |
public getLabelGetterMethodName( ) : string |
Returns the name of the method returning the node label in the object handling mode. Default value: 'getName' |
public setLabelGetterMethodName( string $label_getter_method_name ) : void |
Sets the name of the method returning the node label in the object handling mode. It must be set before the tree is filled with data. |
public setData( array $data ) : void |
Populates and initializes the tree with the data being made up of associated arrays. |
public setDataSource( Iterator|array $data ) : void |
Populates and initializes the tree with the fact that the data is made up of objects and thus automatically switches on the mode of working with objects. |
public getRootNode( ) : Data_Tree_Node|null |
Returns a root node that can be further configured. |
public setRootNode( Data_Tree_Node $node ) : void |
Imposes the root node from the outside. It must be set before the tree is filled with data. |
public appendNode( array|object $item_data ) : Data_Tree_Node|null |
Adds a knot. The node being added is in the form of raw data. That is, an associated array or object (in object mode). Returns an instance of the created node. Used after the tree is filled with data. |
public getNode( string $node_id ) : Data_Tree_Node|null |
Returns an instance of the node represented by the given identifier, regardless of the node's location in the storm structure. Returns null if the node does not exist. |
public getNodes( ) : Data_Tree_Node[] |
Returns instances of all nodes in the tree. |
public getNodesIds( ) : array |
Returns the identifiers of all nodes in the tree. |
public getNodeExists( string $node_id ) : bool |
Indicates whether a node with the given identifier exists in the tree. |
public getPath( string $target_node_id ) : array|bool |
Searches for a path to a given node and returns it as an array of all parent node identifiers, including the search node, ordered chronologically from the root to the search node. |
public toJSON( ) : string |
Exports the tree to JSON format. |
public jsonSerialize( ) : array |
Allows you to pass a tree instance to the json_encode function. |
public toArray( ) : array |
The storm is exported to the field, however, with respect to the plunge and tree arrangement. Thus, it is not a simple backward export of nodes to an array, but the resulting array represents a tree structure. |
public getChildrenKey( ) : string |
For the purpose of exports (toJSON, toJSON and toArray) Returns what key represents the children of the node in the exported data. Default value: 'children' |
public setChildrenKey( string $children_key ) : void |
Pro účel exportů (toJSON, toJSON a toArray) Nastavuje jaký klíč reprezentuje potomky uzlu v exportovaných datech. |
public getDepthKey( ) : string |
For the purpose of exports (toJSON, toJSON and toArray) Returns what key represents the depth of the node in the exported data. Default value: 'depth' |
public setDepthKey( string $depth_key ) : void |
For the purpose of exports (toJSON, toJSON and toArray) Sets which key represents the node depth in the exported data. |
public rewind( ) : void |
See PHP Iterator |
public current( ) : Data_Tree_Node |
See PHP Iterator |
public key( ) : string |
See PHP Iterator |
public next( ) : void |
See PHP Iterator |
public valid( ) : bool |
See PHP Iterator |
public count( ) : int |
See PHP Countable |