
The class represents an email attachment within the email sending system./p>

Methods overview

public __construct(
string $id
The only parameter of the constructor is the future file/attachment identifier.
public getId(
) : string
Returns the identifier of the attachment.
public setPath(
string $path
) : void
Sets the full path of the file to be used as an attachment.
public getPath(
) : string
Returns the full path of the file to be used as an attachment if this path has been set.
public setFileName(
string $file_name
) : void
Sets the file name of the attachment.
public getFileName(
) : string
Returns the file name of the attachment. If the setFileName method was not used, then it returns the name of the file set by the setPath method.
public setData(
string $data
) : void
Sets attachment data. It is used when the attachment will not be loaded from the file.
public getData(
) : string
Returns the attachment data. If an attachment file path has been set, then it loads the file. If the setData method was used, then it returns the data that the method set.
public setFileMimeType(
string $file_mime_type
) : void
Sets the MIME type of the attachment.
public getFileMiteType(
) : string
Returns the MIME type of the attachment. If the setFileMimeType method was not used, then it determines the MIME type of the file set by the setPath method.
public __toString(
) : string
Calls method getFileName();
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