
The base abstract class from which all subentities that are bound to the parent entity by internal relations of type 1:N inherit.

It inherits from Jet\DataModel_Related.

Overview of methods

Method Meaning of
public static setLoadRelatedDataOrderBy(
array $order_by
) : void
Allows you to set the default order of subentities when loading.
public static getLoadRelatedDataOrderBy(
) : array
Returns the default ordering of subentities when loading.
abstract public getArrayKeyValue(
) : string
Subentities are loaded into the array. It is necessary to specify the array keys for each item.

Example: Subentity is the language mutation of an article. It is therefore appropriate to use the localization code of that mutation as the key. So, for example, implement the method as follows: public function getArrayKeyValue(): string
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