
The abstract class that inherits from Jet\DataModel and that serves as the basis for subentities in a 1:N or 1:1 internal relation

But no entity should inherit from this class.. The purpose of this class is to be the parent of the Jet\DataModel_Related_1toN and Jet\DataModel_Related_1to1 classes.

Overview of methods

Method Meaning of
public static fetchRelatedData(
array $where,
DataModel_PropertyFilter $load_filter=null
) : array
Internal method used for loading.
public static initRelatedByData(
array $this_data,
array& $related_data,
DataModel_PropertyFilter $load_filter=null
) : mixed
Internal method used during loading. It is used to create instances of entities based on data read from the database.
public actualizeRelations(
?DataModel_IDController $main_id=null,
?DataModel_IDController $parent_id=null
) : void
Internal method used to update internal sessions.
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