
The class represents the SELECT part of the query. It holds the list of items to be loaded and is a de facto subentity of the Jet\DataModel_Query class.

Overview of methods

Method Meaning of
public __construct(
DataModel_Query $query,
DataModel_Query_Select_Item_Expression[] $items=[]
  • $query
    Definition of the query to which the SELECT part belongs.
  • $items
    Initial list of items. These are either property definitions or expressions.
public addItem(
DataModel_Query_Select_Item $item
) : void
Adds an item to the SELECT part of the query.
public getIsEmpty(
) : bool
Indicates whether the SELECT part of the query is empty.
public getItem(
string $select_as
) : DataModel_Query_Select_Item
Returns a specific SELECT item of the query.
public hasItem(
string $select_as
) : bool
Indicates whether the SELECT part of the query contains the given item.
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