
The class represents the GROUP BY part of the query. It is a subentity of the Jet\DataModel_Query class.

Overview of methods

Method Meaning of
public __construct(
DataModel_Query $query,
array|string $group_by
  • $query
    Definition of the query to which the WHERE part belongs.
  • $group_by
    GROUP BY part of the query in raw form - in the form of an array or string.
public getIsEmpty(
) : bool
Indicates whether the definition is empty.
public current(
) : DataModel_Query_Select_Item|
The class is an iterator - the definition can be traversed as an array.
public key(
) : string
The class is an iterator - the definition can be traversed as an array.
public next(
) : mixed
The class is an iterator - the definition can be traversed as an array.
public rewind(
) : void
The class is an iterator - the definition can be traversed as an array.
public valid(
) : bool
The class is an iterator - the definition can be traversed as an array.
public count(
) : int
The class is an iterator - the definition can be traversed as an array.
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