
The class represents the data export meta information.

public static read(
string $meta_info_file_path
) : static
Reads the export meta information from the specified file.
public save(
string $target_dir_path
) : void
Saves the export meta information to the specified directory.
public getDataModelClassName(
) : string
Returns information about the DataModel class from which the data was exported.
public setDataModelClassName(
string $data_model_class_name
) : void
Sets information about the DataModel class from which the data was exported.
public getSourceBackendType(
) : string
Returns information about the type of ORM backend on which the data was exported.
public setSourceBackendType(
string $source_backend_type
) : void
Sets information about the type of ORM backend on which the data was exported.
public getSourceWhere(
) : array
Returns the WHERE condition with which the data export was performed.
public setSourceWhere(
?array $source_where
) : void
Sets the WHERE condition with which the data export was performed.
public getRecordCount(
) : int
Returns information about the number of export records.
public setRecordCount(
int $record_count
) : void
Sets information about the number of export records.
public getExportDateTime(
) : Data_DateTime
Returns the date and time when the export was performed.
public setExportDateTime(
Data_DateTime $export_date_time
) : void
Sets the date and time when the export was performed.
public static fromJSON(
string $json
) : static
Creates a metadata instance from JSON data.
public toJSON(
) : string
Converts a metadata instance to JSON.
public jsonSerialize(
) : mixed
Preparing to convert to JSON format.
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Data export and import