
A class that performs data imports and exports.

public static export(
string $data_model_class_name,
string $target_dir_path,
?array $where=null,
?DataModel_ImportExport_ExportPreprocessor $preprocessor=null
) : string
  • $data_model_class_name The full name of the class / entity whose data will be exported.
  • $target_dir_path The root directory of the export. A subdirectory will be created in this directory to store the export and export meta information. The final export path is returned as the return value of this method.
  • $whereThe WHERE condition can be used to limit what data will be loaded and exported.
  • $preprocessor The data can be processed by the preprocessor before being saved.
public static import(
string $dir_path,
?DataModel_ImportExport_ImportPreprocessor $preprocessor=null
) : void
  • $dir_path The directory where the data export is intended to be stored import.
  • $preprocessorData can be processed by a preprocessor
  • before being converted to an object and stored
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