
The base abstract class that is common to define all property types. The classes representing each type inherit from this class.

Overview of methods

Method Meaning of
public __construct(
string $data_model_class_name,
string $name,
?array $definition_data=null
  • $data_model_class_name
    The name of the class to which the property belongs.
  • $name
    Name of the property.
  • $definition_data
    Raw definition data retrieved from attributes..
public setUp(
array $definition_data
) : void
Sets the definition using raw data retrieved from attributes.
public setUpRelation(
string $related_to_class_name,
string $related_to_property_name
) : void
Sets a relation - that is, sets that the given property is bound to another property ($related_to_property_name parameter) of another class ($related_to_class_name).
public getDataModelClassName(
) : string
Returns the name of the class to which the property belongs.
public getType(
) : string
Returns the identification of the property type. Thus, one of the constants DataModel::TYPE_*
public getName(
) : string
Returns the name of the property.
public getDataModelDefinition(
) : DataModel_Definition_Model_Main|
Returns the definition of the entity to which the property belongs.
public getRelatedToClassName(
) : null|string
Returns the name of the class to which the property is in relation.
public getRelatedToPropertyName(
) : string|null
Returns the name of the property of another class to which the property is in a relation.
public getDatabaseColumnName(
) : string
Returns the defined or generated column name of the database table.
public getIsKey(
) : bool
Indicates whether the property is marked as a (simple) key - index.
public getIsUnique(
) : bool
Indicates whether the property is marked as a (simple) unique key.
public getIsId(
) : bool
Indicates whether the property is marked as identifying.
public doNotExport(
) : bool
Indicates whether it is forbidden to export the property to JSON (or XML and any other export).
public getMustBeSerializedBeforeStore(
) : bool
Indicates whether the value of the property of the given type must be serialized before saving.
public getCanBeTableField(
) : bool
Indicates whether the property of the given type creates a database column at all.
public getCanBeInSelectPartOfQuery(
) : bool
Indicates whether the property of the given type can be used in the SELECT part of the query.
public getCanBeInInsertRecord(
) : bool
Indicates whether the value of the property of the given type can actually be stored in the database as a new record.
public getCanBeInUpdateRecord(
) : bool
Indicates whether the value of the property of the given type can actually be stored in the database as an update of an existing record.
public getMaxLen(
) : int|null
If the maximum length is relevant for the type, it returns it.
public getDefaultValue(
) : mixed
Returns the default value of the property. This is determined by the declaration of the property itself (i.e. the normal declaration of a class property - not defined within attributes)
public checkValueType(
mixed& $value
) : void
Verifies and possibly maps the given value to the type (from the PHP point of view) relevant for the given type from the DataModel point of view.
public loadPropertyValue(
mixed& $property,
array $data
) : void
It takes a value from the raw data read from the database by the backend, overrides it and assigns properties to the entity instance.
public getJsonSerializeValue(
mixed& $property
) : mixed
Returns the value of the property so that it is serializable to JSON format according to the specifics of the type.
public getAllRelatedPropertyDefinitions(
array& $related_definitions
) : void
Internal method used to find all internal relations.
public getBackendOptions(
string $backend_type
) : array
Returns the defined settings specific to the backend type.
public getCheckSumData(
mixed &$value
) : string|int|float|null|bool
Returns data for MD5 checksum of given value.
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