
The abstract class represents the definition of the subentity entity. More specifically, the Jet\DataModel_Definition_Model_Related_1to1 and Jet\DataModel_Definition_Model_Related_1toN classes inherit from it.

The class interface is extended by the following methods:

Overview of methods

Method Meaning of
public getMainModelRelationIdProperties(
) : DataModel_Definition_Property[]
Returns property definitions that are in relation to the main entity.
public getParentModelRelationIdProperties(
) : DataModel_Definition_Property[]
Returns property definitions that are in relation to the parent/parent entity.
public getMainModelClassName(
) : string
Returns the class name of the main entity.
public getParentModelClassName(
) : string
Returns the class name of the parent/parent entity.
public getMainModelDefinition(
) : DataModel_Definition_Model_Main
Returns the definition of the main entity.
public getParentModelDefinition(
) : DataModel_Definition_Model_Related|DataModel_Definition_Model_Main
Returns the parent/parent entity definition.
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