
Presents a set of menus.

Overview of methods

Method Meaning of
public static get(
string $name,
string|null|bool $translator_dictionary=null
) : Navigation_MenuSet
Returns an instance of menu set based on the name (parameter $name).

The $translator_dictionary parameter specifies which dictionary will be used to translate menu and menu item labels.
If null, then the currently valid dictionary is used. If the value is false, then no translation is performed.
public static exists(
string $name
) : bool
Verifies whether the given menu set exists.
public static getList(
) : iterable
Returns a list of existing menu sets. Designed for tools like Jet Studio.
public __construct(
string $name,
string|null|bool $translator_dictionary=null
  • $name
    Name of menu set
  • $translator_dictionary
    Specifies which dictionary will be used to translate menu and menu item descriptions.
    If the value is null, then the currently valid dictionary is used. If the value is false, then no translation is performed.
public setName(
string $name
) : void
Sets the name of the menu set.
public getName(
) : string
Returns the name of the menu set.
public addMenu(
string $id,
string $label,
string $icon='',
int|null $index=null
) : Navigation_Menu
Adds a menu to the menu set and returns its newly created instance.
public getMenu(
string $id
) : Navigation_Menu|null
Returns a specific menu from the set based on the ID. If the menu does not exist, then it returns null.
public getMenus(
) : Navigation_Menu[]
Returns all menus from the set.
public saveDataFile(
) : void
Saves the set definition.
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