
It represents a menu item.

Menu overview

Method Meaning of
public __construct(
string $id,
string $label
  • $id
    Item identifier.
  • $label
    Item label.
public setData(
array $data
) : void
Sets the menu item based on the data from the definition. Used for internal purposes.
public setMenu(
Navigation_Menu $menu
) : void
Sets the menu to which the item belongs. It is used for internal purposes.
public getMenu(
) : Navigation_Menu
Returns the menu to which the item belongs.
public getMenuId(
) : string
Returns the ID of the menu to which the item belongs.
public setMenuId(
string $menu_id
) : void
Sets the menu ID to which the item belongs. It is used for internal purposes.
public getId(
bool $absolute=true
) : string
Returns the item identifier. If the $absolute parameter is false, then only the partial ID of the item. If the parameter is true and the menu has a parent, then it returns an ID of the form "paren_imenu_id/item_id".
public setId(
string $id
) : void
Sets the item ID.
public getLabel(
) : string
Returns the menu item label (already translated if translation is being done).
public setLabel(
string $label
) : void
Sets the menu item label.
public getIcon(
) : string
Returns the name of the menu item icon.
public setIcon(
string $icon
) : void
Sets the menu item icon.
public getIndex(
) : int
Returns the index - the order / priority of the menu item.
public setIndex(
int $index
) : void
Sets the index - the order / priority of the menu item.
public getSeparatorBefore(
) : bool
Indicates whether the graphic item should be preceded by a separator.
public setSeparatorBefore(
bool $separator_before
) : void
Sets whether the graphic item should be preceded by a separator.
public getSeparatorAfter(
) : bool
Indicates whether the graphic item should be followed by a separator.
public setSeparatorAfter(
bool $separator_after
) : void
Sets whether the graphic item should be followed by a separator.
public getPageId(
) : string
Returns the ID of the page if the entry points to a MVC page.
public setPageId(
string $page_id
) : void
Sets the ID of the page if the entry points to a MVC page.
public getBaseId(
) : string
Returns the ID of the base if the entry points to a MVC page.
public setBaseId(
string $base_id
) : void
Sets the ID of the base if the entry points to a MVC page.
public getLocale(
) : ?Locale
Returns location if the entry points to a MVC page.
public setLocale(
Locale $locale
) : void
Sets the location if the entry points to a MVC page.
public getGetParams(
) : array
Returns optional GET parameters if the item points to a MVC page.
public setGetParams(
array $get_params
) : void
Sets optional GET parameters if the item points to a MVC page.
public getUrlParts(
) : array
Returns optional parts of the URL path if the entry points to a MVC page.
public setUrlParts(
array $url_parts
) : void
Sets optional parts of the URL path if the entry points to a MVC page.
public setURL(
string $URL
) : void
Sets the direct URL to which the item points.
public getTargetPage(
) : MVC_Page_Interface|null
If the entry points to a MVC page, then it returns an instance of the target page.
public getUrl(
) : string
Returns the URL to which the item points. Either a direct URL, or it will generate it based on the set parameters MVC page.
public getAccessAllowed(
) : bool
Verifies that the menu item is accessible to the current user in terms of authentication and authorization.
public getSourceModuleName(
): string
Returns the name of the application module that defined the menu item.
public setSourceModuleName(
string $source_module_name
): string
Sets the name of the application module that defined the menu item.
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