
The class represents one item (element) of breadcrumb navigation.

Overview of methods

Method Meaning of
public setPage(
MVC_Page_Interface $page
) : void
Sets the page to which the item is related. Depending on the page, the item then sets its title and URL.
public getPage(
) : MVC_Page_Interface|null
Returns the page to which the item is related.
public setTitle(
string $title
) : void
Sets the title of the item
public getTitle(
) : string
Returns the title of the item
public setURL(
string $URL
Sets the URL of the item
public getURL(
) : string
Returns the URL of the item
public setIsLast(
bool $is_last
) : void
Sets whether the item is/is not the last one.
public getIsLast(
) : bool
Indicates whether the item is/is not the last one.
public setIndex(
int $index
) : void
Sets the index of the item ( how many items in the sequence it is, the index of the first item is 0)
public getIndex(
) : int
Returns the index of the item ( how many items in the sequence it is, the index of the first item is 0)
public setIsActive(
bool $is_active
) : void
Sets whether the item should / should not be marked as active.
public getIsActive(
) : bool
Indicates whether the item should / should not be marked as active.
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