
You already know what a router is and what its role is. Now let's take a detailed look at what information it provides. That is, the methods of the Jet\MVC_Router class and also the Jet\MVC_Router_Interface interface.

The class is instantiated principally using factories

Basic methods

Method Meaning of
public resolve(
string $request_URL
): void
Carry out the resolving process. So, based on the URL, it finds the corresponding base, locale and page and also asks the page to complete the resollving. This means that the resolvers of the controllers will also be called here content. In practice, this means, for example,resolving the rest of the URL that the router didn't catch (part of the URL no longer belongs to any page), which may belong to, for example, an article, a specific item in an e-shop, etc.
public getSetSystemLocale(
): bool
Indicates whether the router should set the localization to the Locale class immediately after detecting the localization - i.e. the current system localization.
Setting the system locale can be important for the evaluation process. Therefore, this setting can be done immediately by the router.

Default state: true
public setSetSystemLocale(
bool $set_system_locale
): void
Sets whether or not to immediately set the detected locale to the Locale class - i.e. the current system locale.
public getSetTranslatorLocale(
): bool
Indicates whether the router should set the localization to the Translator class immediately after detecting the localization.
Setting the translator localization can be important for the evaluation process. Therefore, this setting can be done immediately by the router.

Default state: true
public setSetTranslatorLocale(
bool $set_translator_locale
): void
Nastavuje zda ihned nastavovat / nenastavovat zjištěnou lokalizaci překladači - třídě Translator.

Methods for determining the assessed status

Method Meaning of
public getIs404(
): bool
Indicates whether the URL has been evaluated as a non-existent page.
public getIsRedirect(
): bool
Indicates whether a redirect to another URL is requested.
public getRedirectTargetURL(
): string
If a redirect is requested, then it returns the destination URL.
public getRedirectType(
): int
If a redirect is requested, then it returns its type - http code.
public getLoginRequired(
): bool
Indicates whether a user login is required (the page is secret and the user is not logged in).
public getAccessNotAllowed(
): bool
Indicates that the user is logged in, but does not have permission to view/use the page.
public getUrlPath(
): string
Example: the request URL is: https://domain/path-a/path-b/

Then this method returns /path-a/path-b/
public getUsedUrlPath(
): string
Returns the path from the URL that the router was already informed about as used (see the setUsedUrlPath method)
public getHasUnusedUrlPath(
): bool
Indicates whether the router still has any unprocessed (and unused) part of the URL path.
public getValidUrl(
): string
Returns a URL that should be valid (does not contain unused parts, has a default base URL, etc.)
public getBase(
): ?MVC_Base_Interface
Returns an instance of the found base.
public getLocale(
): ?Locale
Returns an instance of the found locale.
public getPage(
): ?MVC_Page_Interface
Returns an instance of the found page.

Methods used in the resolving process

As you already know, the router will determine the base, locale and page, but it will also let the page (and especially its content) re-evaluate the whole situation. Therefore, the router must have methods to get feedback from the resolving process.

Method Meaning of
public setIs404(
): void
Sets that this is a request for a non-existent page (404).
public setUsedUrlPath
string $used_path 
): void
Important method!

If your application processes parts of the URL, it must let the router know that it has indeed used that part of the URL and that it is therefore no longer unknown.

If your application does not do this, the router will consider that part of the URL as ballast and will eventually set the redirect to the last known valid URL.
public setIsRedirect(
string $target_URL,
int $http_code
It sets that redirection is required and passes redirection parameters (to what URL, with what http code).
public setAccessNotAllowed(
): void
Sets that the user cannot access the page due to insufficient privileges.

public setLoginRequired(
): void
Nastavuje že bude požadováno přihlášení (stránka je tajná, ale uživatel není přihlášen)

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