What a base is and how it works we explained here and here. In the table, you will find an overview of the methods of the Jet\MVC_Base_LocalizedData_MetaTag class, as well as the Jet\MVC_Base_LocalizedData_MetaTag_Interface interface. (The class is instantiated principally by factory)
Přehled metod
Method | Meaning |
public getLocalizedData( ): MVC_Base_LocalizedData_Interface; |
Returns an instance of the localized database data to which the meta tag belongs. Thus, the de facto parent entity. |
public setLocalizedData( MVC_Base_LocalizedData_Interface $localized_data ): void; |
Sets the localized database data to which the localization belongs. |
public getAttribute( ): string; |
Returns the attribute name of the meta tag (if the value is set - not required) What is the attribute name? In this example, it is "name" in <name="description" content="description text"> |
public setAttribute( string $attribute ): void; |
Sets the meta tag attribute name. |
public getAttributeValue( ): string; |
Returns the value of the meta tag attribute. What is an attribute value? In this example, it is "descriptionme" in |
public setAttributeValue( string $attribute_value ): void; |
Sets the value of the meta tag attribute. |
public getContent( ): string; |
Returns the content of the meta tag. In this example, it is the "Description text" in |
public setContent( string $content ): void; |
Sets the content of the meta tag. |
public toArray( ): array; |
Returns the meta tag definition data as an associated array. It is used to store the definition. |
public __toString(): string; | The meta tag can be converted to a string - i.e. create an HTML tag. |
public toString(): string; |