What a base is and how it works we explained here and here. In the table, you will find an overview of the methods of the Jet\MVC_Base_LocalizedData class and also the Jet\MVC_Base_LocalizedData_Interface interface (the class is instantiated principally by factory).
Basic localization parameters
Method | Meaning |
public getBase( ): MVC_Base_Interface; |
Returns the identity of the base to which the localization belongs. Thus, the de facto parent entity. |
public setBase( MVC_Base_Interface $base ): void; |
Sets the base to which the localization belongs. |
public getLocale( ): Locale; |
Returns the data localization identification. |
public setLocale( Locale $locale ): void; |
Sets the data localization identification. |
public getIsActive( ): bool; |
Indicates whether or not the given base localization is active. |
public setIsActive( bool $is_active ): void; |
Activates/deactivates the given base localization. |
public getTitle( ): string; |
Returns the default header of the given base localization. The headline can be used in the end-user output. More precisely, this value is directly expected to be used for example for |
public setTitle( string $title ): void; |
Sets the default headline for the given base localization. |
public getURLs( ): array; |
Returns a list of all URLs for the given locale. The URL contains the domain and path. Not the schema/prefix. https://, or http://. URLs must always end with a locator (the '/' character) For example:
public setURLs( array $URLs ): void; |
Sets a list of all URLs for a given locale. The URL contains the domain and path. Not the schema/prefix. https://, or http://. URLs must always end with a locator (the '/' character) The first URL in the list will be taken as the default. All other URLs are also valid, but will be redirected to the default URL. For example:
public getDefaultURL( ): string; |
Returns the default URL. |
public getSSLRequired( ): bool; |
Indicates whether or not the localization requires an https connection. |
public setSSLRequired( bool $SSL_required ): void; |
Sets whether the localization requires/does not require an https connection. |
public toArray( ): array; |
Returns the localized database definition data in the form of an associated array. It is used to store the definition. |
Meta tagy
Sometimes you may need to define default meta tags that will then be valid for all pages in a given locale (unless a page overrides them with its own value).
Method | Meaning |
public getDefaultMetaTags( ): MVC_Base_LocalizedData_MetaTag_Interface[]; |
Returns an array of default meta tags for the given localization. |
public addDefaultMetaTag( MVC_Base_LocalizedData_MetaTag_Interface $default_meta_tag ): void; |
Adds the default meta tag to the given localization. |
public removeDefaultMetaTag( int $index ): void; |
Fetches the meta tag at the given position. ($index = 0 means first in the list and so on) |
public setDefaultMetaTags( MVC_Base_LocalizedData_MetaTag_Interface[] $default_meta_tags ): void; |
Sets new default meta tags in bulk. It completely removes the old settings and replaces them with the new ones. |
Internal parameters
These are your freely selectable parameters and their values. All usable by your application.
Use? Well, imagine you're running an e-shop. You probably need to define a currency code (or codes) tied to a given locale. Or, for example, rounding settings and so on. In short, any value you need to change according to the current base and its localization.
Method | Meaning |
public getParameters( ): array |
Returns a list of internal parameters in a similarly associated array, where the key is the parameter name. |
public setParameters( array $parameters ): void |
Bulk sets the parameters for the given localization of the given base. The parameters are again in the form of an associated array. |
public setParameter( string $key, mixed $value ): void |
Sets one parameter. |
public getParameter( string $key, mixed $default_value = null ): mixed |
Returns the value of the specified parameter. If the specified parameter does not exist, then it returns the default value. |
public parameterExists( string $key ): bool |
Checks if the parameter exists. |