
A class represents the definition of a form field within the form-to-class mapping.

Overview of methods

Method Meaning of
public __construct(
object $context_object,
string $property_name,
mixed& $property,
array $definition_data
  • $context_object
    Instance of the object to which the form will be linked.
  • $property_name
    Name of the property to which the form field will be linked (= future name of the form field).
  • &$property
    Reference to the property to which the form field will be linked.
  • $definition_data
    Definition parameters in raw form.
public getContextObject(
) : object
Returns an instance of the object to which the form will be mapped.
public getPropertyName(
) : string
The name of the property to which the form field will be linked.
public getFieldName(
) : string
Returns the name of the form field.
public getType(
) : string|bool
Returns the form field type (type code, not the form field class name)
public setType(
string|bool $type
) : void
Sets the form field type (type code, not the form field class name)
public getCreator(
) : ?callable
Returns a creator.
public setCreator(
null|callable|array $creator
) : void
Sets the creator.
public getDefaultValueGetterName(
) : string
Returns the name of the method used to retrieve the default value of the form field.
public getSetterName(
bool $get_defined=false
) : string
Returns the name of the setter method for setting the captured value to the connected object.
public setSetterName(
string $setter_name
) : void
Sets the name of the setter method for setting the captured value to the connected object.
public getIsRequired(
) : bool
Induces whether or not the field will be marked as mandatory.
public getLabel(
) : string
Returns the field label.
public setLabel(
string $label
) : void
Sets the field label.
public getHelpText(
) : string
Returns the help text of the field.
public setHelpText(
string $help_text
) : void
Sets the help text of the field.
public getHelpData(
) : array
Returns the form field help data.
public setHelpData(
array $help_data
) : void
Sets the form field help data.
public getErrorMessages(
) : array
Returns form field error messages.
public setErrorMessages(
array $messages
) : void
Sets the form field error messages.
public getOtherOption(
string $option,
mixed $default_value=''
) : mixed
Returns the value of a parameter that is not part of the standard definition (it is bound to a specific field type).
public createFormField(
array& $form_fields
) : void
By definition, it creates a form field (or multiple fields) and passes them to a list that is passed by reference as a parameter.
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