Generic abstract class of input field renderers (i.e. elements like iput, select, textarea and so on), which inherits from the Jet\Form_Renderer_Single class.
From this class, it inherits renderers already designed for specific types of input fields.
Overview of methods
Method | Meaning of |
public __construct( Form_Field $field ) |
The only parameter is the instance of the form field to which the renderer belongs. |
public getField( ) : Form_Field |
Returns the instance of the form field to which the renderer belongs. |
public getWidth( ) : array|null |
Returns the width settings of the elements. If the element does not have its own settings, it takes the form renderer settings. |
public getViewDir( ) : string |
Returns the view directory for the given element. If the renderer does not have its own value set, then it takes the value from the parent form field renderer Jet\Form_Renderer_Field, which may have its own value, or it may take the value from the form renderer Jet\Form_Renderer_Form. |
public setViewDir( string $view_dir ) : string |
It is possible to set an extra directory path with view scripts for the element. See the getViewDir method. |