Jet\Form_Field_Tel / Form_Field::TYPE_TEL

Represents a generic form field for entering a phone number.

The Jet\Form_Renderer_Field_Input_Common renderer is used to display the form field itself.

Default error codes

Code Meaning of
Form_Field::ERROR_CODE_EMPTY The field is marked as required and the value is not specified.
Form_Field::ERROR_CODE_INVALID_FORMAT The value does not correspond to the expected format.
Due to the differences in the formats of phone numbers and also different expectations (to enter with the national dialling code or not?) it is necessary to define a regular expression or a validator. The field itself does not perform format checking.


Parameter Type Required Meaning of
validation_regexp string no Validating regular expression.


Method Meaning of
public setValidationRegexp(
string $validation_regexp
) : void
Sets a regular expression to control the data format.
public getValidationRegexp(
bool $raw=false
) : string
Returns the set regular expression to check the data format.
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Jet\Form_Field_Email / Form_Field::TYPE_EMAIL
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Jet\Form_Field_Url / Form_Field::TYPE_URL