Jet\Form_Field_Range / Form_Field::TYPE_RANGE

Represents a form field in the form of a slider to select a number from a range.

The Jet\Form_Renderer_Field_Input_Number renderer is used to display the form field itself.

Default error codes

Code Meaning of
Form_Field::ERROR_CODE_EMPTY The field is marked as required and the value is not specified.
Form_Field::ERROR_CODE_OUT_OF_RANGE The numerical value is out of range.


Parameter Type Required Meaning of
min_value int no Minimum value.
max_value int no Maximum value - optional.
step int no Step by how much to change the value when using the arrows to change the value. Default: 1


Method Meaning of
public getMinValue(
) : int|null
Returns the set minimum value.
public setMinValue(
int $min
) : void
Sets the minimum value.
public getMaxValue(
) : int|null
Returns the set maximum value.
public setMaxValue(
int $max
) : void
Returns the set maximum value.
public getStep(
) : int|null
Returns the step by how much the value should change when using the arrows to change the value.
public setStep(
int $step
) : void
Sets the step by how much the value should change when using the arrows to change the value.
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Jet\Form_Field_Float / Form_Field::TYPE_FLOAT
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Jet\Form_Field_Date / Form_Field::TYPE_DATE