Jet\Form_Field_Input / Form_Field::TYPE_INPUT

Represents a generic form field for entering shorter text.

The Jet\Form_Renderer_Field_Input_Common renderer is used to display the form field itself.

Default error codes

Code Meaning of
Form_Field::ERROR_CODE_EMPTY The field is marked as required and the value is not specified.
Form_Field::ERROR_CODE_INVALID_FORMAT The value does not match the expected format (for example, a regular expression).


Parameter Type Required Meaning of
validation_regexp string no Validating regular expression.


Method Meaning of
public setValidationRegexp(
string $validation_regexp
) : void
Sets a regular expression to control the data format.
public getValidationRegexp(
bool $raw=false
) : string
Returns the set regular expression to check the data format.
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Jet\Form_Field_CSRFProtection / Form_Field::TYPE_CSRF_PROTECTION
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Jet\Form_Field_Int / Form_Field::TYPE_INT