
A class that implements the Jet\Form_Field_Select_Option_Interface interface and represents one of the options for select options of form field type Select, MultiSelect and RadioButton.


Method Meaning of
public __construct(
string $option
) : void
The $option parameter represents the data that will be displayed to the user.
public setSelectOptionCssStyle(
string $css_style
) : void
Sets the CSS style for the option.

It is implemented in the Jet\Form_Field_Select_Option_Trait trait.
public getSelectOptionCssStyle(
) : string
Returns the set CSS style for the given option.

It is implemented in the Jet\Form_Field_Select_Option_Trait trait.
public setSelectOptionCssClass(
string $css_class
) : void
Sets the CSS classes for the option.

It is implemented in the Jet\Form_Field_Select_Option_Trait trait
public getSelectOptionCssClass(
) : string
Returns the CSS of the class for the given option.

It is implemented in the Jet\Form_Field_Select_Option_Trait trait.
public getSelectOptionCss(
) : string
Returns prepared HTML parameters style="xxx" and class="xxx".

Implemented in Jet\Form_Field_Select_Option_Trait trait
public __toString(
) : string
The object must be directly convertible to text, which will then represent the option displayed to the user.
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Capture, validation and transfer of data