
Overview of constants

Field types

Constant / Type Class Purpose
Form_Field::TYPE_HIDDEN Jet\Form_Field_Hidden Hidden form field
Form_Field::TYPE_INPUT Jet\Form_Field_Input General input field for any text
Form_Field::TYPE_INT Jet\Form_Field_Int Integer
Form_Field::TYPE_FLOAT Jet\Form_Field_Float Float
Form_Field::TYPE_RANGE Jet\Form_Field_Range Selecting a number with the slider from the specified range
Form_Field::TYPE_DATE Jet\Form_Field_Date Date
Form_Field::TYPE_DATE_TIME Jet\Form_Field_DateTime Date and time
Form_Field::TYPE_MONTH Jet\Form_Field_Month Selection of the month of the year
Form_Field::TYPE_WEEK Jet\Form_Field_Week Choosing the week of the year
Form_Field::TYPE_TIME Jet\Form_Field_Time Time
Form_Field::TYPE_EMAIL Jet\Form_Field_Email E-mail address
Form_Field::TYPE_TEL Jet\Form_Field_Tel Telephone number
Form_Field::TYPE_URL Jet\Form_Field_Url URL
Form_Field::TYPE_SEARCH Jet\Form_Field_Search Search field
Form_Field::TYPE_COLOR Jet\Form_Field_Color Colour selection from the colour palette
Form_Field::TYPE_SELECT Jet\Form_Field_Select Select one option from multiple options.
Form_Field::TYPE_MULTI_SELECT Jet\Form_Field_MultiSelect Selecting multiple options from multiple options
Form_Field::TYPE_CHECKBOX Jet\Form_Field_Checkbox Classic checkbox
Form_Field::TYPE_RADIO_BUTTON Jet\Form_Field_RadioButton Select one option from multiple options using the radio button.
Form_Field::TYPE_TEXTAREA Jet\Form_Field_Textarea Text field
Form_Field::TYPE_PASSWORD Jet\Form_Field_Password Password field
Form_Field::TYPE_FILE Jet\Form_Field_File Field for uploading one or more files
Form_Field::TYPE_FILE_IMAGE Jet\Form_Field_FileImage Field for uploading one or more images

Of course, you can create your own new field types.

Overview of methods


General methods are mainly related to form definition.

Method Meaning of
public __construct(
string $name,
string $label=\'\',
mixed $default_value=\'\',
bool $is_required=false
  • $name
    Field Name.
  • $label
    Field label.
  • $default_value
    Default field value.
  • $is_required
    Field is / is not required.
public setup(
array $properties
) : void
Sets the properties of the array. The method is intended for internal use - for automatic form generation. It should not be used outside this purpose.
public setForm(
Form $form
) : void
Sets the form instance to which the field belongs.
Method for internal use. It should not be used in the application space.
public getForm(
) : Form
Returns the form instance to which the field belongs
public getName(
) : string
Returns the name of the field.
public setName(
string $name
) : void
Sets the name of the field.
public getId(
) : string
Returns the field ID (for HTML and JavaScript).
public getTagNameValue(
) : string
Returns the value of the HTML field name.
public setDefaultValue(
mixed $default_value
) : void
Sets the default value.
public getDefaultValue(
) : mixed
Returns the default value.
public setLabel(
string $label
) : void
Sets the field label.
public getLabel(
) : string
Returns the set field label - already translated.
public setPlaceholder(
string $placeholder
) : void
Sets the placeholder text to the "background" of the input field.
public getPlaceholder(
) : string
Returns the placeholder - the text "in the background" of the input field - already translated.
public setHelpText(
string $help_text
) : void
Sets the hint for the field.
public getHelpText(
) : string
Returns the set help for the field - already translated and completed with data.
public setHelpData(
string $help_text
) : void
Sets the data to the help field. Example of use: $int_field = new Form_Field_Int'int''Int' );
$int_field->setIsRequiredtrue );
$int_field->setMinValue10 );
$int_field->setMaxValue100 );
$int_field->setHelpText('Minimal value: %min%, maximal value: %max%');
'min' => Locale::int($int_field->getMinValue()),
'max' => Locale::int($int_field->getMaxValue()),
public getHelpData(
) : string
Returns data to the help field.
public setIsRequired(
string $required
) : void
Sets whether the field is/is not mandatory.
public getIsRequired(
) : bool
Indicates whether the field is/is not required.
public getIsReadonly(
) : bool
Sets whether the field is/is not read-only.
public setIsReadonly(
bool $is_readonly
) : void
Indicates whether the field is/is not read-only.
public jsonSerialize(
) : array
The form instance can be passed to the json_encode function.

Input capturing and validation

The following is an overview of methods related to capturing values from input and validating data.

Method Meaning of
public catchInput(
Data_Array $data
) : void
Internal use method called by the form when capturing input.
public setValidator(
callable $validator
Sets the validator. The validator prototype is: function( Form_Field $field ) : bool
public getValidator(
) : callable|null
Returns the set validator.
public getRequiredErrorCodes(
) : array
Returns a list of error codes for which the field will require an error message definition.
public getErrorMessages(
) : array
Returns set error messages.
public setErrorMessages(
array $error_messages
) : void
Sets error messages in the form of an associated field, where the key is the error code and the value of the error message.
public getErrorMessage(
string $code,
array $data=[]
) : string|bool
Returns the generated error message for the given error code. The message is already translated and updated with any data.
public setError(
string $code,
array $data=[]
) : void
A method designed primarily for use in validators. It sets the field to the error state - i.e. it determines that an error occurred during validation.
public getAllErrors(
) : Form_ValidationError[]
Returns a list of all validation errors.
public getLastErrorCode(
) : string
Returns the code of the last recorded validation error.
public getLastErrorMessage(
) : string
Returns the error message of the last recorded validation error.
protected setIsValid(
) : void
The opposite of the setError method. It sets the array to the error-free state. It is also a method designed primarily for validators.
public isValid(
) : bool
Induces whether the field is/is not valid.
public validate(
) : bool
Performs the validation process and immediately indicates whether the field is valid. Primarily this is a method for internal use called by the form.

Working with captured data

These methods are related to working with and passing captured data.

Method Meaning of
public hasValue(
) : bool
Indicates whether the value was captured at all. That is, whether the value existed at all in the input data.
public getValue(
) : mixed
Returns the processed captured value. That is, the number is converted to a number, the string is encoded using HTML special chars, and so on.
public getValueRaw(
) : mixed
Returns the unprocessed captured value as it was on the input.
This method must not be used unless you are absolutely sure you need it. But for example, to capture the contents of a WYSIWYG editor (where HTML is the core of its function), its use is necessary.
public setValue(
mixed $value
) : void
Sets the processed value of the field. Method for internal use and for validators.
public setFieldValueCatcher(
callable $catcher
) : void
Sets the value capturer. The prototype of the catcher is: function (mixed $value) : void
public getFieldValueCatcher(
) : callable|null
Returns the set value catcher.
public catchFieldValue(
) : void
Performs a value capture. A method for internal use that is called by the form.


Method Meaning of
public setDoNotTranslateLabel(
bool $do_not_translate_label
) : void
This method allows you to override the element label translation.
public getDoNotTranslateLabel(
) : bool
Indicates whether the element label translation is suppressed.
public _(
string $phrase,
array $data=[]
) : string
Translates the given text according to form settings. The method is primarily used for internal purposes.

Displaying / rendering

Finally, methods related to displaying / rendering the form field.

Method Meaning of
public __toString(
) : string
The element can be directly converted to a string and thus displayed. The render method is called.
public render(
) : string
It generates HTML code representing the form field according to all settings and returns the result as a return value.

Practically it is a shortcut of the call: $field->renderer()->render();
public renderer(
) : Form_Renderer_Field
Access to the main form field renderer.
public row(
) : Form_Renderer_Field_Row
Access to the form field row renderer which can be used to further set the row or display it individually.

Practically it is a shortcut of the call: $field->renderer()->row();
public container(
) : Form_Renderer_Field_Container
Access to the form field container renderer, which can be used to further configure the container or display it individually.

Practically it is a shortcut call: $field->renderer()->container();
public error(
) : Form_Renderer_Field_Error
Access to the error message renderer, which can be used to further configure the error message or display it individually.

Practically it is a shortcut of the call: $field->renderer()->error();
public label(
) : Form_Renderer_Field_Label
Access to the label renderer, which can be used to further set the label or display it individually.

Practically it is a shortcut call: $field->renderer()->label();
public help(
) : Form_Renderer_Field_Help
Access to the help renderer which can be used to further set the label or display it individually.

Practically it is a shortcut call: $field->renderer()->help();
public input(
) : Form_Renderer_Field_Input
Access to the renderer of the input field itself, which can be used to further set the input field or display it individually.

Practically it is a shortcut of the call: $field->renderer()->input();
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