
Factory designed for Jet MVC.

Method Overview

Method Meaning of
public static getRouterInstance(
): MVC_Router_Interface
Creates an instance of router.
public static getRouterClassName(
): string
Returns the class name of the router.

Default: Jet\MVC_Router
public static setRouterClassName(
string $router_class_name
): void
Sets the class name of the router.
public static getBaseInstance(
): MVC_Base_Interface
Creates an instance of base.
public static getBaseClassName(
): string
Returns the class name of the base.

Default value: Jet\MVC_Base
public static setBaseClassName(
string $base_class_name
): void
Sets the name of the class base.
public static getBaseLocalizedInstance(
Locale|null $locale = null
): MVC_Base_LocalizedData_Interface
Creates an instance of localized data base.
public static getBaseLocalizedClassName(
): string
Returns the class name of the localized data of base.

Default value: Jet\MVC_Base_LocalizedData
public static setBaseLocalizedClassName(
string $base_localized_class_name
): void
Sets the class name of the localized data of base.
public static getBaseLocalizedMetaTagInstance(
): MVC_Base_LocalizedData_MetaTag_Interface
Creates an instance of the meta tag of base.
public static getBaseLocalizedMetaTagClassName(
): string
Returns the class name of the meta tag of base.

Default value: Jet\MVC_Base_LocalizedData_MetaTag
public static setBaseLocalizedMetaTagClassName(
string $base_localized_meta_tag_class_name
): void
Sets the class name of the meta tag of base.
public static getPageInstance(
): MVC_Page_Interface
Creates an instance of page.
public static getPageClassName(
): string
Returns the class name of the page.

Default value: Jet\MVC_Page
public static setPageClassName(
string $page_class_name
): void
Sets the class name of the page.
public static getPageContentInstance(
): MVC_Page_Content_Interface
Creates an instance of content of page.
public static getPageContentClassName(
): string
Returns the class name of the content of page.

Default value: Jet\MVC_Page_Content
public static setPageContentClassName(
string $page_content_class_name
): void
Sets the class name of the content of page.
public static getPageMetaTagInstance(
): MVC_Page_MetaTag_Interface
Creates an instance of the meta tag of page.
public static getPageMetaTagClassName(
): string
Vrátí název třídy meta tagu stránky.

Výchozí hodnota: Jet\MVC_Page_MetaTag
public static setPageMetaTagClassName(
string $page_meta_tag_class_name
): void
Sets the class name of the meta tag of page.
public static getViewInstance(
string $scripts_dir
): MVC_View
Returns an instance of view set to the given view scripts directory.
public static getViewClassName(
): string
Returns the name of the class view.

Default value: Jet\MVC_View
public static setViewClassName(
string $view_class_name
): void
Sets the name of the class view.
public static getLayoutInstance(
string $scripts_dir,
string $script_name
): MVC_Layout
Returns an instance of layout set to the given layout scripts directory and the given layout script.
public static getLayoutClassName(
): string
Returns the class name of the layout.

Default value: Jet\MVC_Layout
public static setLayoutClassName(
string $layout_class_name
): void
Sets the class name of the layout.
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