
This is an abstract class from which the concrete implementation of the database connection configuration definition within the direct database connection workflow must inherit.

Method Overview

Method Meaning of
public static getDrivers(
) : array
Returns a list of possible connection drivers - that is, the types of database servers supported.
public getName(
) : string
Returns the name of the database connection.
public setName(
string $name
) : void
Sets the name of the database connection.
public setDriver(
string $driver
) : void
Sets the database connection driver type (what type of database it is).
public getDriver(
) : string
Returns the type of database connection driver (what type of database it is).
public getUsername(
) : string
Returns the username to connect to the database.
public setUsername(
string $username
) : void
Sets the username for the database connection.
public getPassword(
) : string
Returns the password for connecting to the database.
public setPassword(
string $password
) : void
Sets the password for the database connection.
public getDbname(
) : string
Returns the name of the database.
public setDbname(
string $dbname
) : void
Sets the database name.
public getHost(
) : string
Returns the domain name or IP of the database server.
public setHost(
string $host
) : void
Sets the domain name or IP of the database server.
public getPort(
) : int
Returns the TCP port of the database server.
public setPort(
int $port
) : void
Sets the TCP port of the database server.
public initDefault(
) : void
Sets the default values of the newly created connection according to the database type (e.g. default TCP port and so on).
public getEntriesSchema(
) : array
Based on the database type, returns a list of configuration values that are relevant for that type. This is in the form of an associated field, where the key is the name of the configuration property and the value is the default value valid for the database.
public createForm(
string $form_name
) : Form
According to the definition, it creates a form to set up the connection (for example, for the installer, configuration, and so on).
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