In depth

In the previous chapters you have learned how Jet\Config works from the application perspective. Thus, you have the information you need for your normal development. However, if you want a more "under the hood" look, you've come to the right place. We will show you what classes make up Jet\Config, what they are for and what they can do.

Class Importance
Jet\Config You have already encountered this class in previous chapters. It is the main class and also the class from which the configuration definition classes inherit.
Jet\Config_Section The parent class for the configuration section defining classes.
Jet\Config_Definition Allows you to retrieve instance definitions of configuration classes and configuration section classes.
Jet\Config_Definition_Config The class represents a configuration class definition.
Jet\Config_Definition_Config_Section Configuration section definition.
Jet\Config_Definition_Property Basic class for defining properties/configuration values.
Jet\Config_Definition_Property_String Property / configuration value definition class of type Config::TYPE_STRING
Jet\Config_Definition_Property_Bool Property definitions / configuration values of type Config::TYPE_BOOL
Jet\Config_Definition_Property_Float Property definitions / configuration values of type Config::TYPE_FLOAT
Jet\Config_Definition_Property_Int Property definitions / configuration values of type Config::TYPE_INT
Jet\Config_Definition_Property_Array Property definitions / configuration values of type Config::TYPE_ARRAY
Jet\Config_Definition_Property_Section Property definitions / configuration values of type Config::TYPE_SECTION
Jet\Config_Definition_Property_Sections Property definitions / configuration values of type Config::TYPE_SECTIONS
Jet\Config_Exception Exception for Jet\Config.

Warning! For example, an I/O exception may be thrown during a save. But if you change the backend implementation, any other exception can be thrown. Thus, it is a good idea to allow for arbitrary class exceptions.
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Jet\Config class
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